Wednesday 21 December 2011

Bundles of fun.

In a recent bid to try and get my work moving in a positive direction I thought of making little bundles / parcels of my work, each linked by genre, actor or film etc. I have just finished making my first one, a "Blaxploitation" bundle. I'm pretty chuffed with it!
It includes Blacula, Shaft, Blackenstein and Sho'Nuff. More to come!!!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Welcome, Morris E Day.

After the sad loss of our fancy cat Bollinger Frazeltown, I caught wind of a little kitten who needed homing and gladly obliged. We have named him Morris, after the great funkster that is Morris E Day. He has been with us just over a month now and I'm still amazed by his need for cuddles and belly rubs. He has recently learnt how to climb all the way up to the curtain pole but hasn't quite mastered the art of descent.

He is beautiful. 
I've been off the radar for a while, dealing with illnesses, university and a new kitten. I've also been getting back into the rhythm of making more work. Now that I'm back I intend to blog much more often. Enjoy!

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Success in the antique shop.

Today has been a raging success. About a week ago my mother and I journeyed to the lovely railroad town of Ramsbottom to visit the Antique Shop, where I found a beautiful blue faux fur coat. Unfortunately the dealer who owned it wasn't in and the damn thing wasn't priced but the kind man hid it for me until he could get it priced. We returned today and now the beauty is mine! I am chuffed to the nines with my new "fancy winter coat" as it has been dubbed by Mum.

Monday 12 September 2011

In sickness and in art.

After the decided success of my painting of Blacula, I've decided to keep working in the same style on a portrait of Willem Dafoe in his first film role in Streets Of Fire - a fantastically cheesy film with a blinding soundtrack. Here's to hoping I'm not a one hit wonder, check back soon for the results. Also, I think I'm coming down with flu. Boo.

Thursday 8 September 2011

There's plenty of money on Gail's brew.

Yesterday I had a lovely day out to Southport with friends Gail and Helen. The weather wasn't the best but we made up for that with fabulous Victorian era tea rooms, stylish couples well into their 70s, and cascades of charity shop bargains. After a hefty shop we decided to visit the front and were greeted at the arcade with the promise of  a 30p brew and a game of bingo. The brew came out of the machine already milked and apparently tasted like gravy and the bingo hall was no more, we did however win 70 prize tokens on the 2p falls resulting in two fried egg keyrings, a wolf and some sweets - bonus. And who can't say a good day ends in the Hall of Mirrors? Photos courtesy of Gail at seventyseventyone design, I will post mine as soon as they are developed.

Monday 5 September 2011

Ill as shit.

I'm working on a design for a fuzz pedal for somebody, I have a very fuzzy cat so decided to base it on her. She's had a bite on her forehead for the past few weeks that looks like a third eye.  Forgive the poor quality photo.

That's the future, Lytham and pink Cadillac with eyelashes.

To celebrate the fleeting good weather and the first day of a new month, my good friend Sarah and I took a trip to the coast with her lovely mutt Alfie - he had never been to the beach before which made the excursion super exciting for all.  It was a glorious day with ice cream, fish and chips, and a monstrous German Shepherd. Enjoy the few snaps.

Sarah's car has eyelashes.

 Sarah and Alfie are about to embark on the long journey to the sea.
 One of my many penguin impressions.
 Alfie and myself getting comfortable.
 Casual Alfie.

New lands.

With a new blog comes beautiful new furniture, so I am told. For the first time in years I have a real life functional wardrobe and let me tell you, I am reaping all the benefits. Despite having no followers, I intend to post fewer furniture based spats in the near future and focus on other tosh.